Saturday 17 January 2015

Almost sucked into some clever marketing….

When we first moved to France twelve years ago, the one thing I really, really missed was shopping.
Shopping Centres just don’t exist in rural Brittany. I would return to England two or three times a year and spend a whole day (nine hours!) shopping at Lakeside or Bluewater, the largest shopping centres in Europe….
Shopping for school shoes is easy in France. There is just one shoe shop in a radius of 40km. Over the past couple of years there has been a little bit of development in Ploermel and now there are 3 or 4 clothes shops. The supermarkets take the lions share of clothes sales.
Style & co was for a long time the only clothes shop in Ploermel and now the competition is beginning to bite.
Iona and I did some shopping at Ploermel on Wednesday and at the cash desk at Style & Co we were offered a carte Private.
For €50 we could purchase a card and with this card we would get 50% off most of the clothes in the store for twelve months. Very very clever.
The cashier was keeping a tally of the number of people who had bought the card and the number who had declined. The majority had opted to buy a card.
January is always a tricky month in terms of cash flow and here Style & Co are getting a huge cash injection up front. I wonder how many people will use the card enough to cover the initial €50 outlay.
Coupled with this, they are encouraging loyalty. If you buy a Style & Co card, you will be less likely to go to the new clothes shops in Ploermel and pay the full price. Very clever.
Came away without a Carte Private but very impressed by the initiative of Style & Co…
Clever marketing by Style & Co

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