Friday 4 October 2013

Green tomato jam for breakfast anyone?

Confiture de tomates vertes
Confiture de tomates vertes

Beatrice has just left. She called in for a coffee and left me a jar of her, still warm, green tomato jam.

‘Ah, I said, in England we call this chutney, do you eat it with cold meats and cheese?’

‘It is JAM, Nicole (huge emphasis was placed on the word JAM!) Green tomato jam, is like any other jam, we eat it in the morning on a slice of bioche.’

The French ‘don’t do’ chutney, which I find really strange. They have all those gorgeous cheeses and charcuterie is hugely popular and yet they do not eat pickles nor chutney.. odd. It is also odd that garlic bread has never caught on in France… just what do they do with all those stale baguettes?..

Try as I might, I just cannot put green tomato jam in the same category as strawberry jam….

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