Saturday 13 June 2015

Lait Ribot

Lait ribot.... doesn't taste too good in tea!
Lait ribot is the by product of butter making. We call it buttermilk.

The Bretons are quite partial to a glass or two of lait ribot and quite often you will only find fresh lait ribot in the supermarkets. If you want ‘normal’ milk you have to drink UHT milk (not the same thing at all !!).

The Bretons add lait ribot to fresh fruit, they add it to soup and mashed potatoes.

I also know many Bretons who dunk their galettes (savory buckwheat pancakes) into lait ribot.

To me, lait ribot is very much like marmite, you either love it or hate it. When you are next in Brittany have a glass and let me know what you think !!

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