Thursday 28 February 2008

Year End Tax Returns

The French financial year runs from 1st January until 31st December.

Over the last couple of weeks I have frantically getting all of our accounts ready for the accountant. Spreadsheet after spreadsheet has been compiled, the quarterly TVA (VAT) returns have been checked and double checked and finally a box of 6 lever arch files waits at the front door.

The day has arrived for my meeting with the accountant.

I drive for 45 minutes and arrive at their offices, a chateau (!!) with a sweeping gravel drive and immaculate lawns. I am ten minutes early. I try to look dignified as I struggle with the big bulky box whilst trying to open the incredibly wide front door.

As I wait, perched on a faded yellow velvet upholstered dining chair just inside the front door I start to panic about my French, will I cope with the technical terms.. The photocopiers whirls under the majestic staircase. At last I hear a clattering of heels on the black and white chequered tiled floor.

‘Bonjour’ says an immaculately dressed woman as she smiles at my box of files.

Thankfully she spoke very good English, and I was able to pull out all relevant depreciation, turnover and outgoings schedules.

I left two hours later feeling much more light hearted !

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