Friday 5 February 2016

I have just discovered that the French have two Pancake Days

Only in France could this be true!…
The first Pancake Day is called La Chandeleur  (Candlemas) and always occurs on 2nd February, which is 40 days after Christmas. This religious celebration recalls the Presentation of Jesus to the Temple, a decisive event that happened during the early years of Jesus.
The origins of the Chandeleur date back to a pagan feast: according to local customs, candles had to be lit at midnight as a symbol of purification. Chandeleur comes from the latin “candelarum” as does the English word ‘candle’.
It was also at that time of the year that the winter seed-time started. The surplus flour was then used without too much risk of shortage and crêpes were made as a symbol of prosperity for the coming year.
There are many Candlemas Traditions in France….
  • One tradition was to light a candle in the church and carry it home without the flame going out. If you managed it, this meant that you would not pop your clogs in the coming year.
‘Celui qui la rapporte chez lui allumée. Pour sûr ne mourra pas dans l’année’
  • To ensure that the crop would be plentiful for the coming year, it was an absolute must to eat pancakes. (If only I was a farmer….my crops would be very plentiful!)
‘Si point ne veut de blé charbonneux Mange des crêpes à la Chandeleur’
  • If the elected tosser could flip a crêpe with one hand whilst holding a gold coin in the other, the family was assured of prosperity throughout the coming year.
  • Quand il pleut pour la Chandeleur, il pleut pendant quarante jours.
If it rains at Candlemas, it will continue to rain for 40 days
  • Quand la Chandeleur est claire, l’hiver est par derriere; Chandeleur couverte, quarante jours de perte!
If February is clear, winter is behind us. If the Chandeleur is overcast, winter will last another forty days.
The second Pancake Day in France is Shrove Tuesday which is just before the fasting period of lent.
As Shrove Tuesday varies every year depending on Easter does this mean that in France we must eat pancakes from 2nd February until Shrove Tuesday?…

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