Sunday 12 February 2017

International Hug Day

A few weeks ago (21st January) was International Hug Day

You will not be surprised to discover that this special day was first celebrated in the USA in 1986 and initially started as a day to hug friends and family to boost emotional health.

I have heard before that studies have shown that hugs that last 20 seconds or more can increase levels of oxytocin and serotonin, which increase feelings of well-being and reduce blood pressure.

Not surprisingly, International Hug Day has not really caught on in France!.. I am really not quite sure what the response I would get if I hugged Guillaume the pig farmer!.. not a good one!.. having said that I’m not sure that the smell of Guillaumes overalls would increase my feelings of well being!.

The French just aren’t ‘huggy’ people. Well, the French have come up with a reason as the why International Hug Day was a bit of a flop in France, there is a flu epidemic!

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