Tuesday 13 November 2007

New Moon

Over the last two or three years I have become increasingly aware of the moons' presence.

A couple of years ago, I leant over our garden fence to ask our elderly neighbour when I should plant my potatoes. Don't you have a calender showing the moon cycles, was the reply. I feared my Woolworths calender probably didn't include such information so I sheepishly replied, No, still not realizing what this had to do with my potatoes.

The elderly man put down his spade and disappeared indoors. He soon reappeared with a spare calender which clearly showed all the moon cycles. This information he told me was more important than the standard calender. We then sat down under an apple tree and he explained when I should sow and harvest my potatoes.

The moon also affects children's behaviour. They appear to be louder, excited and more uncontrollable when there is a full moon. It is also very common practice to give children a syrup, readily obtainable at all pharmacists, for 5 days after a full moon, to get rid of the 'worms'.

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