Monday 26 November 2007

The Pig

Such a screeching sound, and it doesn't stop, it just gets louder and louder.

Finally my curiosity wins..I walk cautiously along the road and past the farm and to my horror the farm house door is open and there is a stream of blood flowing out of the door and down the road.

The screeching has stopped and there is an eerie silence.

'Bonjour', I say, a good ten feet away from the open door, in as loud a voice as I can muster.
'Bonjour' replies the short farmer as he pops out of the door grinning as he always does, squinting and nodding his head ,
'Ca va ?' I ask very nervously, looking at the still steady stream of blood flowing inches away from my feet.
'Yes, he replies, we have just killed our pig.'
'In the kitchen', I ask incredulously. Their pig was huge, the size of a small horse,
'Oh yes, the farmer replied, its the cleanest place on the farm'....

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