Friday 7 September 2007

La Rentree

La Rentree (back to school) signifies the official end of summer. Window boxes are stripped of the now fading and weary geraniums, garden furniture put into storage and holiday homes across France are shuttered up after the obligatory two month long holiday.

La Rentree is a very significant part of French life and the first day back at school is treated very seriously. The majority of parents, even separated parents are reunited on this day, to take their children to school to ensure that they have an enjoyable rentree and to join their teachers with an early morning hot fresh coffee served in exquisite small cups. Not a jar of Nescafe nor a plastic cup in sight !!..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I missed all this in my schooldays, UK schools in the 60s were a little less social. Is this where I went wrong?
from a fading geranium