Tuesday 18 March 2008

French Lessons

I’ve just had the most disastrous French lesson. I don’t think I’ll ever master this ridiculous language !!.

When we arrived in France we naively thought that with a few lessons and after chatting to a few people a couple of times we would become fluent..oh, no,no,no.

I have been having weekly one to one French lessons for five years, and I set aside half an hour a day to try and improve my grasp on impossibly difficult language but progress is painfully slow.

Yesterday, Francois, my incredibly patient French teacher just put his head in his hands and quite correctly summed up the situation..’You have a lot of things mixed up in your head…!

As he left two hours later, probably thinking I was a lost cause, I turned and thought..thank goodness, next Monday is Easter Monday, so no French lesson for two weeks !!..

An hour later, Francois called, ‘You need to work on the Grammar, the Pronom and Les Possessifs in conjunction with the Passe Compose, Imperfect and both Future tenses. This can’t wait two weeks, can you make a lesson next Tuesday ?

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