Sunday 22 April 2012

Being watched by a man in yellow flourescent trousers....

  I have a few idiosyncrasies, well several. Looking for things to take to the dump is not normal!

I actively seek out old football goal posts, finished paint pots and assorted rubbish so that I can visit the dump. Yesterday, I discovered a new dump.

I love the considered and orderly approach to French dumps. In France, you drive your car up a small hill / bridge, and on either side, on the ground there are about eight containers. The tops of the containers are at road height, so there are no slippery steps to climb up with armfuls of old carpet and waste building materials. Here you can just reverse the car up to the correct container, plastic, metal, cardboard, glass, building waste etc etc and open the boot and throw the waste down into the correct container, under the watchful eye of a man in yellow fluorescent trousers!

These dumps are so organized and tidy. There is always a broom for you to clear up any waste that may have fallen on the road.

The new dump I discovered yesterday has a different way of dealing with garden waste. This is not placed in a container but in a sectioned off part of the dump in which there are 4 or 5 compartments. When the first one becomes full it is left to compost down and the second compartment is opened, and when that becomes full the third compartment is used etc etc. The compost is then sold. Ingenious.

You arrive with a trailer full of rubbish and leave with a trailer full of well-rotted steaming compost…

Some trailers take more than others!

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