Friday 27 April 2012

Will France become a bilingual nation or will they resist ?

 France is a very proud nation. They are proud of their country, of their heritage and of their language.

The French take their holidays in France. I am not sure of the exact percentage, but I wouldn’t mind betting that at least 80% of the French take their holidays in France. I have been told on numerous occasions, ‘why should we take our holidays anywhere else, we have culture, some of the best beaches in the world, mountains for skiing and fabulous countryside.’ It is pretty hard to argue against this as it is all true !!.

The internet is however making the world a smaller place and English words are slowly creeping into the French language. Computer games and operating systems are increasingly in English and the younger generations are learning English without even realising it.

Yesterday, a friend called round for a coffee and although I know she understands more English that even she is prepared to admit we talk in French and she puts up with my appalling pronunciation and terrible conjugasion. Her mother is arriving in soon and I ask when. ‘Dans 4 weeks, eh semaines.’ She looks at me shocked. ‘I have never said an English word in a French sentence before.’

Will France become a bilingual nation or will they resist ?

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