Sunday 10 February 2013

You may call me Madame

Veronique lives in Reminiac and works in a local peoples’ home. Solene lives two doors away from Veronique and has done for ten years, they are good neighbours but not close friends. They have always been on first name terms and talk to each other in the ‘tu’ form.
Solene works in administration at Rennes hospital which is affiliated to the local old peoples’ home. Due to management changes at the old peoples’ home Solene has been working at the old peoples’ home.
Yesterday Veronique passed Solene in the corridor, ‘Bonjour Solene.’
Solene walked passed, without even acknowledging Veronique.
That evening Solene went to Veroniques house and explained that she is very high up in ‘management’ and therefore at work Veronique should address her as Madame and use the ‘vous’ form of address.
When Veronique recounted this story she was mildly surprised but not hurt or offended. I was speechless. ‘C’est normale Nicole.’ Veronique assured me.
When I was working, (I admit this was a long time ago) we were on first name terms with everyone, regardless of how ‘ high up in management’ they were.
Is this respect to call someone Madame and to use the vous form of address or is it a demonstration of power?

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