Friday 19 April 2013

Eleven years in Brittany

We have lived in Brittany for eleven years this week.

There are things that we have got used to over time, like supermarkets closing for 2 hours at lunchtime.

There are things which we are grateful for every day... great roads (no traffic jams!!) and a great health system.

Of course, there are things which are SO frustrating, French bureaucracy. I don't think we will ever get used to the French Red Tape. Forms, photocopied documents and recorded delivered letters are required for everything. Recently Mark wanted to change his mobile phone contract, you can only do this on the anniversary of the date on which you first took out the phone contract and you have to give the existing phone contract supplier three months notice in writing by a recorded delivery letter that you wish to terminate the contract. This is not unusual and applies to all insurance and most other types of contract.

What do I miss?.. SHOPPING !!.. Shopping Centres do not exist in rural Brittany. The French cannot grasp the very concept of a shopping centre!!..

Another big difference which I am glad exists is vegetable seasonality. Supermarkets in France only sell fruits and vegetables that are in season and although we are now getting pretty fed up of leeks and broccoli, we will enjoy the haricot vert and the radishes even more when they arrive.

Vegetable Seasonality

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