Wednesday 24 April 2013

Vide Greniers in every town, village and hamlet

Quite literally, ‘Vide Genier’, means empty attic. These events are exactly the same as our car boot sales and they are extremely popular.

It seems that from mid April until the end of May is the best time to hold a Vide Grenier, as every town and village has either just had one or are preparing for one within the next few weeks.

There is even a ‘Vide Grenier’ handbook which details all of the local Vide Greniers and it is not unusual, if fact most people seem to spend their whole Sundays driving from Vide Grenier, to another Vide Grenier to yet another Vide Grenier…..

Should you wish to hire a pitch, there are rules, many rules and forms, many forms which need to be signed in triplicate!..

Of course, Vide Greniers do vary, we have found some fantastic treasures in amongst the inevitable rubbish… so if you fancy a rummage look out for the plethora of hand made signs advertising these empty attic sales on the roadsides.

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