Wednesday 9 April 2008

Tombola Prize ... a Pig ?

The next village event looming on the village calendar is the Plant and Flower sale on 1st May.

Yesterday evening there was a meeting at the village hall to discuss what plants should be bought, from where, who should collect them and who could ‘man’ the stalls etc etc.

The Plant and Flower sale was soon organised and the discussion then turned to the summer fete, a whole day event on 29th June. Activities are being planned for the whole day with of course the traditional three course lunch in the middle of the day. The conversation soon turned to the Tombola prize, what should it be this year a pig or a lamb ?.. A heated debate continued about the merits of both many kilos would a lamb be in June ?..

Just imagine if you won a real pig, what would you do with it ?..obviously not a concern for these women, all of whom have rural backgrounds and who see this prize as a considerable draw for miles around.

I don’t think I’ll be putting my name on my tombola tickets this year !!

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