Friday 28 February 2014

France, the nation of the cheque book

When we left for France twelve years ago I very rarely used a cheque book. So rarely it was kept in a box in the bottom of the wardrobe.
In the UK now, cheques must be incredibly rare, if fact, I bet some people don’t even have a cheque book!..
If you crave a bit of nostalgia make your way over across the channel to France… the French love a cheque.
Imagine a busy supermarket, and here I speak from experience, a lot of experience, and the person at the front of the queue pays by cheque. First they fumble around in their bag for the chequebook, they write the cheque, then the cashier asks for their Carte d’identité. The cashier then copies, what seems to be, the WHOLE of the carte d’identité onto the back of the cheque. Then, the NEXT person pays by cheque and so it goes on…
It really is no surprise that cheques are so popular. Cheque books are free…. Debit cards cost about €40 each… so for a joint account you will be paying between €80 and €90 for two debit cards.
Now, I am no banker but SURELY it is cheaper for the banks to process card payments than cheque payments… and it would make to supermarket queues flow a lot quicker…

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