Friday 14 February 2014

No Valentine? Build a fire and hurl abusive comments at all the men that have spurned you

Of course Valentines’ day is celebrated in France, it is after all the most romantic country in the world !!..  However, not all French customs are desperately romantic. The oldest Valentines tradition is  ”une loterie d’amour,” , where single men and women would enter houses that faced opposite each other and call to one another until they had paired off. If a man was not particularly happy with his chosen partner, he would simply leave the undesirable match for another woman.
After the pairing off had finished, women who were left single built a large ceremonial bonfire and burned images of men who had hurt them. During this ritual, the women would also yell abusive remarks and swear at the men. This brings a new meaning to the saying, Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.!  It was the aspect of the celebration that got too out of control and the government had to step in and stop this custom.
Today, the French celebrate Valentine’s Day like people in many other countries by exchanging cards, small gifts, and words of affection. Fresh flowers are also a popular item to send or receive on this holiday.
It is said that the first modern Valentine’s Day card was sent by a Frenchmen. Supposedly, Charles the Duke of Orleans sent the first modern Valentine’s Day card, along with poems and other love letters, to his wife from his cell in the Tower of London after being captured by the British at the Battle of Agincourt in 1415.
It is also traditional for people to visit the town of Saint Valentin in the French department of Indre, which is named after Saint Valentine. The village holds many fesitvals and events related to the February 14th holiday, including marriage vow renewals.

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